Jim and Francine Betts started a tiny bakery in a strip mall in a town where one of their first customers said “You don’t do donuts? How can you call yourself a bakery if you don’t do donuts?!” Now, 28 years later, the town has progressed and Bluegrass Baking Company enjoys the reputation of being the premier bakery of artisan breads and pastries in the region. 5 years ago, a casual conversation with Mark Williams about the viability of growing bread wheat in the Bluegrass has led to a strong and growing alliance with the University of Kentucky’s Agriculture Department in an effort to grow and mill the flours we need here locally. We supply many restaurants and resellers with daily breads and pastries and continue to grow our line of nutritious and satisfying baked goods. We still don’t do donuts.

Back Story

Every great bread begins with a great starter. Bluegrass Baking Company is built on the back of a three-generation, 100-year yeast starter originating in the New England kitchen of Margarete Donahue and was passed on to her daughter Jackie. Jackie, in turn, used this starter to make countless loaves of aromatic, versatile breads for her husband and her children. One of those jam slinging rascals was Jim. The artisan breads that evolve from the original loaf cooling on the kitchen counter now grace the tables of happy customers and discerning restaurants.

Jackie has since retired her rolling pin and is now happy just to enjoy the pleasure her son takes in his craft and in his bakery. The original starter lives on to raise another loaf. It doesn’t ask for much despite all the goodness it brings: just a potato or two, a little yeast and a cozy spot in the fridge.

Thank you for 59 amazing years!